First part is a lie already. Vintage The Muppet show I don’t always MahnaMahna but when I do Doo Doot shirt We all know if we try that then the hair is going to tangle all up in it and the brush becomes one with the hair. Please don’t call her hair dreadlocks just call them locks there is nothing dreadful about locks Europeans called it dreadlocks because they thought they look dreadful. I think dreadlocks are cool only if they are groomed on a regular basis. This woman head looks like a bunch of snakes wrapped up together. That’s nasty. There is no way she can wash all of that mess on her head and get every lock clean. She should cut some of that mess off her head. She is actually not a bad looking woman. However, she would look so much better if she would take it. She just let it flow all over the place.
