Hope is trying to make is that most teachers won’t Van I’m mostly peace love and light and a little go fuck yourself shirt. I am a teacher and yes. So I had crappy teachers in school growing up. One who tore up one of my assignments in front of the whole class. But I also had amazing teachers. Just like all cops, doctors, lawyers, etc aren’t bad. Not all teachers are bad. Teachers don’t deserve to be lumped into one category. But it isn’t right to fair. I am sorry you are offended by I had something almost exactly said to me. When my child in Tech School he excelled. I knew he meant to work with tools. This teacher told me he was college material. So I needed to get a good book in psychology to learn how to raise my son. I was devastated the way this teacher talked to me. Hope I am sure you are a wonderful teacher and human being. My family terrorized by teachers that were not.

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