So how do they plan not to be turned into UFO 1st Area 51 5k fun run they can’t stop all of us shirt Swiss cheese by the heavily armed trigger happy guards? This is horse s#it. Instead of bulls#it display of wasted time, people can do something more productive than making all this fuss about area 51. I can bet that nothing will happen and this is just another typical American distraction from real-life problems. It looks very fake, and he knows exactly what he’s saying, and he knows he’s been recorded, kids play on things like that, I’ve been under plenty of anesthetics and that hallucination has never happened, or to my daughter who she has her tonsils removed… So fake. They should be more careful about what they administer as pain relief. It seems funny now (a kid innocently hallucinating) but waits until he’s a teen and looking for the same wild trip.

Buy this shirt: UFO 1st Area 51 5k fun run they can’t stop all of us shirt