You should have to Try your hardest do your best but always remember you’re more than a test shirt to all the people you don’t know. This is why I try not to post comments on stuff like this because there’s always someone out there on the attack. You are a really good man and father and weren’t appreciated as such. That to me is bull crap. Unless you cheated on her. I am 2 times divorced and asked for nothing. I happily married now for 3rd time and would never want anything from him either if it was to end. Some women are so about money. You can’t take it with you when you go. I would rather be broke and happy than to make someone miserable and not see their kids due to long hours of work. It’s just not right. I’ve lived it with my now husbands ex. You sound like my soon to be ex-husband in regards to money. When all I’m requesting is what I’m entitled to by law.
