The quality of our conversations and really getting Tormund and Brienne but I see the way she looks at me Game of Thrones shirt to know each other. In the beginning, has to lead us to where we are now. That’s why I think it’s a fallacy when people get stuck on time. If we talk daily, not just superficially, get to know each other deeply; get to know our goals, our dreams, our flaws, what we know we want and need in a partner, etc. compared to someone who’s been together for longer who couldn’t answer these questions or isn’t honest with themselves with what they want/need in a partner, is the longer relationship most likely to succeed? Hell no! What do you think? I’m confused! I believe one of the best parts of relationships is the ability to be open, vulnerable, and not hold back. Especially tears! Your better off meeting someone when you are at your worst. Then at least there’s only an improvement.
