This kind of talk makes you people feel like The Golden Girls Rose Dorothy Blanche Sophia signature shirt if they aren’t making 6 figures by the time they are 30. Who has time to build a career, a marriage, and a baby by then? I think people need to remember what the job is for, to support your life. Decide what’s important to you and go after it. Don’t let some random lady tell you to do it all by the time you’re 30. Some people are late bloomers or live 3 or 4 lives. It is unwise to ever stop growing, changing and learning – it is a constant, life-long process that should not be encapsulated in a single decade. This content belongs to niCefrogtees. The truth of the matter is what has happened in the past is the past, the future is undefined, so the present and what you do now is what matters. Use your time on wisely. It’s not a decade, it’s now.

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