We may have spent years trying to get someone to love Texas Dr Pepper shirt in a certain way when that person cannot or will not. It is time to let it go. It is time to let him or her go. That doesn’t mean we can’t love that person anymore. It means that we will feel the immense relief that comes when we stop denying reality and begin accepting. We release that person to be who he or she actually is. We stop trying to make that person be someone he or she is not. So hard to move on and still lost in sadness but I still pretend happy in front of everyone, my friends told me I should love myself I thought I am. We enter into a relationship with that person on new terms – taking our needs and ourselves into account. If a person is addicted to alcohol, other drugs, misery, or other people, we let go of his or her addiction; we take our hands off it. We give his or her life back.

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