So many of these comments are Support plant parenthood sunset shirt to end pregnancies. Thank God it was there when I was a teenager because they helped me get on birth control, have yearly exams AND educated ME on STI’s when my mom didn’t have medical for me. It was planned parenthood that told me I was pregnant at 18. Never ONCE in that hour-long conversation did they EVER mention just having an abortion. They were comforting, consoling, educative of my options if i decided not to keep the baby (like adoption)… they were literally saviors for a teenager lost in the folds of poverty. And it never cost me a penny! I decided to keep my daughter (who is turning 16 in 2 weeks) so all of you shouting “murderers” and condemning Ariana grande for her donation. Fuck off. Bravo! I love seeing a young woman stand up for what she feels is right. Her sacrifices will help enable my granddaughter to have rights as an adult. That to me is priceless.

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