Keep bringing Sunflower there’s this boy he kinda stole my heart he calls me auntie shirt up, it flourishes. Now racism is universal. Not just one sided. Forget what your eyes tell you. Eyes can lie. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin. But by the content of their character. We will be equal when we all are recognized not only during black history month. But white history month and Asian history month, etc. Also, no more affirmative action. We are all supposed to be equal. The only place we can all is under the law. It is not possible for us to be equal any other way, because as individuals we all have to define characteristics that make equality impossible. We need to do away with black history month because recognizing any race, gender, ethnicity specifically? And not doing the same for all is bigoted in its concept, is it not?
