I have just been inspired to launch. So something from this Sunflower girl with tattoos pretty eyes and thick thighs shirt. Each day is spent trying to make things happen and strategize the next move. I’ve realized that I’ve been wasting too much time doing just that. I along with everyone else is going through their own journey, and none of ours are done until we are gone physically speaking. So whether I feel like my services are a perfect package right now or not, someone will benefit from them just as I myself benefit from my lessons in my processing. And the number 39 keeps showing up in my reality with regard to monetary value. So I feel like this launch. So is going to represent that value. I know my gifts are worth millions, and that I’m priceless and irreplaceable. But we’ve got to start somewhere when you’re building the foundation.

Buy this shirt: Sunflower girl with tattoos pretty eyes and thick thighs shirt
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