That human has Softball sunflower you are my sunshine shirt to do with altering the climate and the acidity and toxicity of the oceans and water table are exactly. So why we don’t deserve anything as a species and why we’re all probably going to die. After taking the majority of animal life on the planet with us. Just go live in caves or maybe restart school from the 3rd grade onward. And let us know when you’re ready to make sense. Whichever. This is right. But maybe, aside from doing a really, why not start cleaning? If the real goal is to clean the earth, then cleaning is the answer. Skipping a class won’t help if you think that shouting and raising banners is the solution to save the planet. Skipping school for the sole purpose of skipping school doesn’t show support to her cause or even bring the problem to the table. So skipping school and the peacefully and through actions to bring this awareness to your government is what she is saying.

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