If he prevents just one person from Softball and basketball ball girl shirt could be priceless to his friends and family. Stop being negative. Maybe if we were more positive we could just help just one person on life’s rough roads. I have met Kevin Hines in person and seen him speak at a Softball and basketball ball girl. He is extremely sincere and humble and one of the best presenters I have ever seen. So I am a mental health professional with two different licenses and I have treated many depressed and suicidal people. He is saving lives and you can’t put a price on that. What the research is telling us is that lived experience engage is storytellers more than professional jargon. In my professional opinion, asking someone if they are OK definitely can save a life. People who are suicidal are ambivalent and they need to hear that someone cares. But I have interviewed many many people who were suicidal.

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