I would Rock paper scissors table saw shirt with you. Not in anger, mind you, just a different perspective. I’m a Christian and a firm believer that Christ’s followers are to be the hands and feet of Him. Instead of rallying to get the government or someone else to take care of those in need. So even those needing grace, compassion, and forgiveness. So I think it’s my responsibility to take action in doing that. If I want to see a community change, I need to be the change. If my neighbor is in need, what can I do? But I can cook a meal, I can look for odd jobs for the person to help them meet their bills. Do they need childcare to be able to work, hey! Lucky for me I’m a housewife and I love spoiling babies. There is just so so much one person can do, and having many people doing one thing, ends up building compassion and community. Are we willing to bear each other’s burdens?

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