It furthers the stigma of suicide and as a Respect this old woman she earned a computer science degree without the internet shirt. So I can tell you that the words ‘temporary and permanent’ aren’t in the vocabulary of a person that is going to complete suicide. Time is irrelevant and we only want to stop the pain we are in. Depression isn’t temporary. Anxiety isn’t temporary. Imagine struggling with cancer for 16 years and all of a sudden you no longer want treatment, nobody blames you. But when you’ve been struggling with your own mind for so long, everyone feels free to comment. In your blackest moment, nothing makes sense apart from stopping the pain. It’s not always temporary, u have suffered from this for 10 years and sometimes dying feels like it ends all the pain and having to wake up each day fighting a battle u hardly seem to win. I also always compare my depression to cancer for some reason I guess cause it eats.

Buy thís shirt: Respect this old woman she earned a computer science degree without the internet shirt