These are mixed. Also, I will reserve Pitbull speak for those who have no voice vintage shirt interact with other dogs. Also, he said they don’t have behavior training. I speak of experience .! I once had large dogs. I had them as guard dogs. Then I realized there was more to a dog than to guard a door. I regret not allowing them to interact with other dogs. My next dogs were found at the pound on skid roll. Best and loyal dogs. They appreciated the new home and were great family dogs and a great companion. When someone came close to the door they let you know. They are Bandogs pitbull bred with a mastiff breed usually Neapolitan the name. Pitbull is a marketing ploy so I’m sure there was some paper hanging going on …beautiful dogs never the less. I’m am so sorry for your loss of ace!!! He was a beautiful boy my prayers to your family!

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