I never saw the original but knew about it. Pennywise reflection Water mirror The Clown shirt Saw the first part and then I went and bought IT and read it in two weeks. Can’t wait for this part. Hope it’s better than the original because I didn’t like the original although Tim Curry as Pennywise was amazeballs. Showed too much of that scene at Bev’s old place! That’s a great moment in the book and miniseries. Kinda spoiled it for new viewers who have no knowledge of the previous material. Looks good though! IT has been my favorite book forever. It got me into horror (my favorite genre). I loved the first movie, can’t wait for this. Autograph was Jack Dylan Grazer, the guy who played Eddie. People are complaining that he sounds like Winnie the Pooh at the end, but isn’t that kind of the point?

Buy this shirt: Pennywise reflection Water mirror The Clown shirt