What is next? So how dare you nap in the Nurse loves Kansas City Royals shirt and you found a nude photo of some girl. You should feel bad for snooping ugh it’s a relationship when you date you agree to share everything include uncomfortable conversations and a fucking cell phone. Just like I agree to drive my BF everywhere. Just like I share my money and my food and my phone. Relationships should be an open book. If there’s nothing to fear, there’s nothing to hide. What she was doing is wrong, if you can’t see that you have issues with trust and privacy. She should have just asked what he was doing and asked him to put the phone away. It’s that simple. It’s called trust! He should be able to talk to and be friends with whoever, just like you should be able to without accusations or concerns from you or your partner.

Buy this shirt: Nurse loves Kansas City Royals shirt
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