He was right the first time saying that nobody cares Mickey Mouse ice-cream I see it I like it I want it I got it shirt. Because nobody does and I don’t blame anyone. To each his own. But this world has become so sad that there’s little to no motivation to go on. Except this Mickey Mouse found it. He thought to himself. Fuck it, the world is shit, I might as well get some easy money off of a bullshit story. And it worked. Telling a depressed person. So who’s actually depressed is because they can actually see the shit around them. But to be happy is like shouting at a coffee machine to bake bread. Does not work like that, and the story he’s telling is just saying don’t do it coz you’ll regret it. A permanent solution to a temporary problem, but we need to be more aware, and be kind to one another. Smile, say hello, do something kind for Mickey Mouse. Because we never know what someone is going through, and our kindness may just give someone some hope!

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