My girl wanted to be a Mickey Moon mother and daughter best Disney partners for life shirt from when she was old enough to talk. Her grade 3 teacher told her she wasn’t smart enough to be a doctor. When I confronted the teacher, she said. So well she’s not. Maybe you don’t tell children that, but some teachers definitely do. That broke my daughter’s spirit. When I was in first grade I had a teacher tell me that I was stupid simply because I was having a harder time learning to read compared to the other kids. I believed that up until senior year of high school. I became a Marine and was very successful in what I did. But that one teacher, out of all the teachers I had, made me believe for a long time that I wasn’t worth it. That I was dumb. It’s not about all the other teachers, it’s about that one who doesn’t believe in your worth. There are some I sure but please don’t brush as all with the same stroke and I fear this video does just that.
