You can not change those who refuse to change for the Loki made me do it shirt better. At least you tried hard to be there. At the end of the day, we also need to take care of our own well-being. If a toxic person wants to remain in their toxic behavior no matter how many chances you give them. One of the problems is, the toxic people usually don’t know that they are toxic. Especially when they surround themselves with their mental unseen solutions. Not everyone capable of change, but everyone deserves a chance to prove whether she can be changed. And we as a helper need Loki made me do it shirt to be patience, lots of patients. Because everything takes time. And by the patient with those we’re helping, we ourself learning and improving along the way. You are a wise and good friend! I absolutely agree with what you said, there is a fine balance. And your comment about not drowning together is sensible.

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