And still, calmly, you come home LGBT mama bear if your parent aren’t accepting of your identity I’m your mom now #freemomhug shirt, curled up in a familiar bed. Light meetings, blurry faces. At the beginning of the trip, you thought of parting, starting the meeting, you were planning for the end. So you only communicate cautiously, appropriately. Lacking a bit of love, you will be a distant, cold, arrogant, but a little overflowing, you will be like an old man now, it takes a very long time to miss the people, miss them now even if they didn’t remember me. Waste time to. This content belongs to nIcefrogtees. You choose a road with less pain, less torment, less restlessness, less difference, safety for the heart, you never let yourself remember as you did this morning. You find yourself so happy, so happy and serene when there is no one in the memory to remember deeply, in the heart of a person who has no memory of loving people. No matter how much.
