Is it better to pretend you accept I hope you understand I’m too old to pretend I like you shirt and relinquish all influence to avoid it? Rock and a hard place. We won’t get a better generation of politicians when these are the choices. I push Multi-Sports for real! I don’t pretend or just tell other coaches what they want to hear and tell kids something else. I BEG kids to play all sports! Boris Johnson has begun receiving very public job applications from would-be cabinet ministers, with Liz Truss pitching to be a tax-slashing chancellor and Amber Rudd ditching her opposition to a no-deal Brexit in a bid to stay on as work and pensions secretary. With Johnson on the brink of No 10, senior Tories have begun laying out their credentials for positions in his potential cabinet – some with more hope than others. Truss told journalists on Thursday that she wanted to be in the “engine room of the economy” driving growth.

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