In fact, if you’re flirting I have too much Ammo said no one ever shirt with each other, you should not eat leftovers of it, and if you love each other, eat freely. Sometimes it is too natural to become ungainly, it’s something of each other. Can lose to them the wealth. But it is okay to live properly. Although they broke up. I still appreciate your behavior and your expression. Very good brother. Ignore that girl. This world is inadequate to deserve my love. For example, for example. You just say that you are about to eat the rest, but there is no other opinion about your return. The first time we went out to eat together and ate all the parts of other people, it was weird, it was good to love each other, but it was good to do so but not love. But like that, losing points in the eyes of the opposite person was right. Honestly, if it’s just a normal friend, eating each other’s leftovers is a bit of a waste, just eat leftovers from close friends, lovers, parents, and relatives. really bad. Hi everyone, ignoring the introduction.

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