As much as I love her Grumpy cat once upon a time I was sweet and innocent then I became a nurse shirt I think she’s making it about something else. An actress needs to be able to become a role, not the other way around. How many A-listers have starved, gained weight, exercised to the extent of exhaustion or looked so malnourished just so they could get the job? She seems to be wanting a job that’s written just for her. That would be amazing in an ideal world but as an actor, that’s just the way it is. Hence why so many of us aren’t actors! I can’t become a model and so I’m not one! This content belongs to niCefrogtees. Every single actor in the industry gets cast for their appearance. That’s literally the point. If someone is going to feel like this, they should be taking a break from the industry because it literally has nothing to do with them.
