I don’t agree with that Game of Thrones leave one wolf alive and the sheep and never safe shirt. Once there is trust from both side, I don’t see reasons not to communicate with the opposite sex, the world is fun with people. But each precious moment should be respected. I have many male friends and my boyfriend has many females friends. We talk to them! We don’t feel the need to hide it either. There is no need to place arbitrary boundaries around friendships based solely on gender just because you are in a relationship. If you trust, respect and love each other, all is well. So that’s it tho, he wasn’t honest about Game of Thrones. All he had to do is tell her who he was texting when she asked! What if in a relationship it’s not about betrayal. Because we have never betrayed each other and I never would violate his privacy in that matter, as a woman I just need attention and love, but he is a police officer which says I betrayed him and I don’t know how. Even though I have asked him.

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