This is so backward, first of all, my Game of Thrones Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen shirt is allowed to check my phone. And because she has that respect she hardly ever checks my phone. Because I don’t give her a reason to be insecure. So secondly who leaves their partner in the middle of lunch just. Because they are asking a question in a regular tone of voice. But thirdly if you are texting someone while you are with your girlfriend or boyfriend. So it’s rude as fuck. This is really true. Often we go about doing things as if we dont have people in our lives and that causes insecurity on the Game of Thrones Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen shirt. Its a matter of how you air it out that either builds or destroys. But one thing I know and have learned is that; insecurity in a relationship kills the love if not dealt with in the right manner.

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