Proverbs has many cautions and to be Game of Thrones and Avengers Wolf and Iron Man House Stark shirt. Yes, sometimes our insecurities from the child. But can’t blame and use that rule on everything as the popular movement at this time. Not everything is related to the past or our past childhood. That’s just the popular new psychology. I spend a lot of time meditating and meditating with Jesus and God as my focus and for truth, clarity, and hs to come through. Buddhists may ask for bliss but I go straight to the highest source. He clears me of insecurities and brings me clarity between when to trust in intuition and when a cognitive distortion. That example shows a person with gut instinct. And another person who’s also closely committed to another of the opposite sex in the natural laws of attraction. I’m fine with my husband having female friends and colleagues but if someone new started texting I think I have the right to know who she is.

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