So 1:51 into this “shit post” video and its clearly someone who Dachshund personal stalker I will follow you wherever you go bathroom included shirt can’t stand women with tattoos because there were a few of them that were just done terribly and the others are basically just personal preference… its tiresome seeing all this negativity towards anybody modifications in any sense especially with tattoos and piercings like enough is enough. Some of these were pretty bad, but I doubt these girls got those tats worried about what other people think. Bunch of trailer park women never have a chance of getting a good husband or a good job. Worst in what sense? I can hardly see most of them but I did recognize Isobel Varley who was the most tattooed woman in the UK and a lovely lady. Who is to say her inks were bad when they were excellent? Too many judgemental people on here. The effects person who made the video was just as bad as the tattoos.