I’m not religious nor do I care for Cowboy Bebop in Pulp Fiction see you space Cowboy Aeye Valentine Spike Spiegel Jet Black Edward Ein Julia Vicious Punch and Judy Laughing Bull and Bob shirt. Due to too many people using their faith to justify all the vile things they say or do. But I can definitely get behind a man like him. You ok in my book sir! I am living on ‘grace’ time, and am so grateful for people like you along my journey. The people who came into my life and planted seeds of hope, Love, self-worth. I hope to be one of those people to others. Let me never forget where I came from and let me never look down on someone unless I am helping them up. You are the personification of the hope that so many other hopefuls are looking for…thank you for sharing such beautiful, loving thoughts of your own journey. It’s not easy to do. Your experience and good results carry more weight than those of us without this experience.

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