I saw this young man’s Carol Burnett as Miss Starlett in Went with the wind shirt last night, I didn’t even watch the whole thing before I felt the need to share a little of my own story on my own page. I hadn’t read any of these comments on this original post. Until just now and a lot of them are breaking my heart all over again. The problem is, from what I’ve seen of those who took their own life. So they are suffering from a deep down depression that heightens and wanes at different times in their lives. Some just genuinely feel so helpless like nothing they do will fix their problems. They sort of think of it like how we think of an old car that we have to keep fixing and pouring money into it just to keep it going, but no matter what there’s always some hidden fault and it’s never fixed.

Buy this shirt: Carol Burnett as Miss Starlett in Went with the wind shirt
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