I know how you feel about the Butterfly my son left me beautiful memories his love is still my guide and though I can’t see him he’s always at my side shirt! I have my regrets when it comes to that! Dementia can bring out the worst in people! I would literally walk away, count to 10 and ask God for the patients. So I needed to be there for my mom! I know in my heart she is grateful for me. And my sister taking care of her for she herself didn’t know what was going on! On her dying bed I asked her for her forgiveness for the times I was impatient and in response. But she squeezed my hand and was able to give me a little smile! My mom did not have but just passed 1 week ago from pancreatic cancer. Ugh, I couldn’t imagine purposely ignoring her calls. I know I might have missed calls but immediately called her back asap. However, even when you do everything you can to be there for your parents when they’re gone it just never seems to have been enough.

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