This song will always always be my Bon Jovi it’s my life it’s now or never shirt favorite song of Bon Jovi’s, and I will always have a cool memory from it because he kissed me in this song at the Slippery When Wet concert. I to always loving the song from Bon Jovi ” Living on a prayer” because of the same my life. This brought me to tears. May God bless the kind woman who helped Mario see his worth, and god bless Mario so he might begin to believe in himself. God bless those who are judged and not given a chance to be heard! Thank you, Father, for sharing us ur ideas and works. Wow wow, gentleness tenderness love radiates by just being a child of God by sharing caring compassion overflowing to all beautiful shalom peace.

Buy this shirt: Bon Jovi it’s my life it’s now or never shirt