If you don’t see and understand how this Beverly Hills 90210 Luke Perry 1966 2019 thanks for the memories shirt did something rather amazing. With all due respect, something is wrong with you. This is not fake, it’s actually old news. He had a car that broke down the night before, with no public transportation to get him to the other town to work he goggled out how long it would take him to walk to work 20 miles away he walked 14 miles before being picked up by the police. Unfortunately, everyone in America doesn’t have other family members or friends who can drive them 20 miles away to work. Kudos to this young man for inspiring others! He was just walking to work! I’m starting to think this is racial Pitti here, I did this for over 2 years and nobody put me in the spotlight. Because its nothing out of the ordinary to walk to your job.

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