I dropped out of technical American flag skull the wrong side of Heaven the righteous side of Hell shirt. Because I couldn’t pass the classes required to get a degree to become a children’s counselor, enrolled and graduated from a two year college getting my Cosmetology degree. Then quit after two years of working at the hair salon. Got married, had three kids and then found my calling as an Indie author. I now have a book published and am working on the second in my sci-fi fantasy romance series. I may not be able to do algebra but I can weave a world that tantalizes the tastebuds of the mind like no one else. Maybe you didn’t have the right teacher. Also, I could do the math if I was taught well. I still struggle with it as an adult. I always felt like I wasn’t good enough, I couldn’t do anything. Now I own a business wife and kids and beautiful house on the lake just by working hard never saying stop.

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