When my mother died and I did not have the American flag I’m a simple woman I love camping dog flip flop and wine shirt to say goodbye to her. That event changed my life, the way I see life and every day, every second is precious. Thank you for resharpening this for all of us. Such powerful words, thank you for this reminder that we do have so very much to be thankful for and about. God our Prince of peace, we praise You and thank You so much. So incredibly powerful. It reminds me of how My mum has always told me never to go asleep angry at anyone. Especially loved ones. And to try not to be angry when you leave someone/hang up the phone, in case it’s the last time you speak to them, the last thing I say to all my family every day and night is, I love you even if we have fought. I will keep teaching my family and friends this too.

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