Jesus just wants us to share All I need to say is a little bit of fabric and a whole lot of Jesus shirt. I can’t imagine anyone seeing death as the end, it’s either in heaven or hell that we all will reside, Jesus tells us that no one will escape death, we all will be going to one or the other and believing is not enough, Satan believes in Jesus, what it takes is repentance, baptism in the Holy Spirit, and discipleship. You are a true disciple every time you share your faith. What is so great about this country is we can do that free from persecution. This content belongs to nIcefrogtees. All books can say they are supernaturally inspired, the difference is He is the one true God, they are many Gods but He is the God of all Gods, satan has power enough to mimic God but the Bible is inspired by God, His word is infallible.
