I was so weak after that incident. I love I’m not a teacher but you will learn from me I’m not a taxi but I get you where you need to go I’m not a referee but I will stop your game when you’re not playing fair I’m not a counselor but will listen when you are sad I’m not your mother but will care like one I’m not a nurse but I can fix your boo boos I’m not a police officer but will protect you like one I am your school bus driver shirt. So I couldn’t make it go away. I stood up and made a discussion. I was so scared and I knew I cannot protect my 2 boys against this big guy. On a Monday 3 years ago I left him. I packed my stuff took my boys and left him. He has broken in my house, damaged my stuff, took my car, spread so many untrue stories about me. He followed me and even begged me just like all the other times to come back. I kept thinking of the look my son gave me that day.

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